Thursday, July 5, 2007

Model-Driven SOA

This was a good article by Ian Thain in SOA World Magazine, dated 7/3/07

If you have been trying to nail down just what SOA is, Ian does a great job of explaining it in this article. He also lays out a good description of model driven application development. His message here is that "everything should start with a model" and that by doing a good job of managing the various models an organization can be agile in its ability to making changes that affect both IT and the business.

I like his theory but I'd really like to see a case study of an organization that pulled off his linked model management approach. Most of the places I've seen lack this kind of discipline.


yvgeni said...


I like this article. You should forward it to Josh, he's looking for good articles.

IT EMIS 17 said...

Okay, NOW I have an actual definition. You are right, this is the best definition I have seen: "The whole point of SOA is to make business applications more manageable, more flexible, and more responsive to change. Businesses are constantly changing how they do things - not necessarily changing what they do."

Mark R said...

I believe there is some promise to SOA. While I agree that the buzz will create a lot of misspent dollars, those that do try to use the technology properly, with the right attitude and budget will benefit in the end.